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Covid Testing For Businesses: How Do Antibody Tests Work?

May 3, 2021

Did you know that over thirty-one millionpeople in the United States now have COVID-19? The pandemic has fundamentally changed lives in ways that no one could ever imagine. However, the end may be in sight. As vaccines become more widely available, more businesses are beginning to reopen.

However, it’s important not to jump the gun when it comes to the virus. If you plan on reopening your business, then COVID testing is vital for the safety of both your employees and clients.

If you want to get your employees back into your building, then you’re likely wondering what’s the most efficient way to test them. One method, antibody tests, are both efficient and quick. In this article, we’ll be exploring what an antibody test is and what it reveals. Let’s get started!

What Are Antibodies?

Antibodies are a unique type of protein that our bodies produce to fight against infections. When a virus, like COVID-19, enters our system, our immune systems produce antibodies to help fight it. However, these antibodies don’t disappear when the virus dies down.

Indeed, they stay in our blood in case the virus resurfaces and we need to fight it again. When COVID-19 enters our system in a few days or weeks, the body produces detectable antibodies. Typically, these antibodies remain detectable even if someone displays none of the typical signs of the infection.

What Is an Antibody Test?

An antibody test is used to find out if someone has been previously exposed to COVID-19. This is done by looking for evidence of COVID antibodies in the blood.

If these types of antibodies are found, then it indicated that the individual has COVID-19 at some point in the past. If no antibodies are found, then it indicates that the person doesn’t have COVID-19. Or, it can mean that they’ve had it at some point in the past, but the antibodies have worn off.

How Does an Antibody Test Work?

A professional perform an antibody test by pricking your finger. Then a few drops of your blood are placed in a bottle. From there, rapid testing can be done to find out whether or not your immune system developed antibodies in response to the virus.

Are These Types of Tests Effective For COVID Testing?

Currently, the FDA doesn’t recommend antibody testing as an effective method for COVID-19 testing. There are two main reasons for this. The first reason is that these types of tests can sometimes give a false negative reading. This occurs when someone has been infected but hasn’t yet developed the antibodies against the disease.

The second reason is that the antibody test can also give false-positive readings. This occurs when antibodies from a different coronavirus strain are detected.

As such, antibody testing is only effective at determining prior exposure to COVID-19. It can also be used to find out immunity status. If you want to determine the current infection status, then your best bet is either the molecular (RT-PCR) tests or antigen rapid COVID testing.

What Does a Positive Result Mean?

A positive result indicates that you could have been exposed to COVID-19 at some point in the past. However, as we mentioned, there’s a chance that this result could be wrong (this is referred to as a false positive). This can occur when the antibodies are produced by a different type of coronavirus other than SARS-CoV-2, like the common cold.

It can also occur when done in communities with a low overall infection rate. As such, if you test positive for an antibody test, then you should follow up with COVID PCR testing or rapid antigen testing. This will confirm whether or not you have a COVID-19 infection.

What Does a Negative Result Mean?

A negative result indicated that no antibodies to the virus were found in your system. However, a negative antibody test doesn’t confirm with certainty that you aren’t infected with COVID-19.

A false-negative test result can occur if you’re tested before your body has time to produce the antibodies. In some cases, the antibodies can also disappear naturally over time. So, while a negative antibody test result can be a good sign, it doesn’t indicate with certainty that you aren’t infected with COVID-19.

What Type of COVID Tests Should Be Used For a Large Business?

Antibody tests provide a good baseline for determining whether or not your employees have been exposed to COVID-19. However, as we mentioned they’re not 100% accurate when determining the status of a current infection. So, if you need to test hundreds or even thousands of employees, then what’s the best test to do so?

For this purpose, we recommend that employers use rapid antigen testing. There are two main reasons for this. One, it can be performed by professionals using on-site testing. So, it’s not inconvenient for you or your employees. Second, you get results from the test within ten minutes.

As such, there’s no need to wait anxiously for test results. If you want to learn more about COVID testing methods for large businesses, then make sure to check out our guide here.

Need Rapid COVID Testing For Your Business? Contact Prime Medical

We hope this article helped you learn more about the different types of COVID testing available. If you’re a business owner, then you likely want to get your company back on track as soon as possible. Unfortunately, COVID compliance can make this difficult for many workplaces. That’s why you should find a company like Prime Medical to take care of any testing needs.

We send a physician to your workplace and handle all the tests on-site. Our antibody tests are a great way to determine past exposure to COVID, as well as immunity responses. Or, if you want more comprehensive and accurate tests, then you can go with our rapid antigen or RT-PCR testing. If you have any questions about the different tests, then make sure to contact us today.

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